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"On the Beach"

I went on a beach walk this morning. My heart was VERY heavy about something. Walking on the beach is my alone time with Him. I LOVE it!

I was praying over my situation, and at one point crying (literally, crying) to God for His help and guidance. I even asked for a sign from Him. I hesitate doing this as I don’t want it to seem as I do not have faith and trust (Hello… 3 part series I wrote on HOPE, but I asked anyway… Check out Gideon’s story.)

This morning, there were dolphins in the water. I just LOVE dolphins. Who doesn’t? To be honest, it is a fairly common thing to see them here, none the less, I still get a HUGE thrill when they are around! So I paid attention, but not so so much as my talk with God still in its “deep” stage.

Now, when I did my turnaround (literally and figuratively)… God spoke. The dolphins had now greatly increased in number (I’d say there were about 8-10 total frolicking about), and they were causing quite a sensation with the tourists. They were now swimming with me as I kept walking and praying. At one point, still waiting for that “sign”, I asked God to PLEASE… CLEARLY speak regarding my situation. Seconds later, one of them jumped out of the water and did a cool Sea World/Gulfarium (our local marine center) worthy dolphin twist!

I have never seen this in the wild, and I’ve been dying to see it for the past 3 years! Well… he even did it again! Not only that, but their display in the waves and the intensity of how close they were led me to this...

God let me know He was INDEED walking with me this very morning, the entire time just as the dolphins had been with me for the past 2 miles. He reminded me how He is there with us ALL OF THE TIME! He never leaves us nor forsakes us even when it “feels like” He has. Then, I CLEARLY heard this… “Sometimes I walk beside you; sometimes, I AM in front of you. Sometimes I AM behind you, and sometimes I even carry you, but I AM ALWAYS with you.” Praise God! He even confirmed one of the very things I was praying for! That is a whole other blog.

Sometimes, when I don’t know what to pray or do, when I am at a loss or when my emotions take over, I start singing worship songs. This morning was one of those times. It was this beautiful hymn that came to mind… “In the Garden”. Do you know it? This hymn was written by Charles Austin Miles in 1912. Curiously enough, he supposedly wrote it in his dark and dreary basement in Pitman, New Jersey. Guess what? Pitman is only 17.94 miles from my hometown, Vineland! Isn’t God so good to have us do our research?

So, here for you is Joey + Rory’s beautiful rendition of “In the Garden”; Lord rest her soul. Listen and be blessed!

~ Chris

“In the Garden” , or as for me today… “On the Beach”

  1. I come to the garden alone, While the dew is still on the roses, And the voice I hear falling on my ear The Son of God discloses.

    • Refrain: And He walks with me, and He talks with me, And He tells me I am His own; And the joy we share as we tarry there, None other has ever known.

  2. He speaks, and the sound of His voice Is so sweet the birds hush their singing, And the melody that He gave to me Within my heart is ringing.

  3. I’d stay in the garden with Him, Though the night around me be falling, But He bids me go; through the voice of woe His voice to me is calling.


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